......so, remember when April happened? Yeah. We don't really, so we'll just start off with a quick, but heart-felt apology for abandoning this blog for so long. If you are still here, waiting ever so patiently, we are grateful and, well, why pull punches? WE <3 U OMG SO MUCH.
Some of you are probably wondering what could possibly have pulled us away from Tangled Fiction for so long and we're going to tell you. Three things (all in the key of A):
Agents! Agents! And Adventures in Amsterdam!
Things started moving pretty quickly for us all at the same time. And it went a little like this:
Natalie: (!!!!!!!!) I have an agent!
Lacey: O_O Me too?
Valerie: Thank me later, darlings, I'm GOING TO AMSTERDAM.
If you want to check out our original posts on these topics, click on the links above. In short, we had a busy and exciting summer and now we're ready to get Tangled again!
Which brings me to our final A's, Angst and Adjustments.
Doing three Tangles and one unTangle(which is our way of saying one of us will write an individual short story all on her own) a month proved to be a bit on the insane side of things. To keep things less angst-inducing for us and still exciting for you, we've put our heads together and come up with a new, adjusted schedule. It's three weeks on, one week off as follows:
Week 1 - Tangle
Week 2 - unTangle posted by one of us on Monday
Week 3 - Tangle
Week 4 - Quiet time (i.e. No regularly scheduled post)
We're looking forward to getting tangled again and will begin posting on September 5th. Thanks again for hanging around! You will all be rewarded and tortured accordingly. :)